84 ~ Gratitude

Cardinals are aptly named, not only for the brilliant red of the males, but because they are usually the first birds at the feeder at first touch of dawn, for matins, and the last ones at dusk, for vespers. Their beauty (including the orange-infused females) brightens a winter day, and they push at the edges of long winter nights. I have a lot of gratitude for cardinals.

I also have gratitude for you, dear readers. Next Tuesday, February 28, will mark three years since the start of “A Bird in the Bush”. Since that first post, we entered, endured, and emerged from an unprecedented global pandemic. Yet three years and 84 posts later, here we are still.  Faithful like cardinals.

  As you know, you will never see an annoying pop-up ad on A Bird in the Bush, nor will your email address ever be shared, sold or linked to another platform where the fingers of surveillance capitalism can reach. The only support for this modest endeavor comes from voluntary contributions from my readers.  So in celebration of this third anniversary, if you’d like to feed the Bird in the Bush with a contribution, of any amount, I would be deeply grateful.

You can do so by PayPal through: williamrobichaud@yahoo.com, or by snail mail to: 7537 Lakeview Road, Barneveld, WI 53507

Thank you!

Bill (“Bird”)


85 ~ Some March public service announcements


83 ~ Homer with Jay: a gift for you